OP The Micronising Company

The company was created by several investors in order to build up a new production line for microniztaion according to the Rapid Collision Technology (RCT), which is covered by a patent.
- The company, based in Germany, is partner to the worldwide exclusive rights to manufacture, distribute and license all products and production processes for the agricultural sector under the master patent
- The company invests, owns and is partner in local production facilities: production in Austria and Croatia with a > 50.000t capacity annual are operational.
- End of 2022 will be operational a new unit with a capacity of 3-6000 tons of products per 12 months in Kelheim, Germany, being the start for further 5 units in Germany
- End of 2022 further 5 facilities are planned – growing to 15-20 facilities in 2025
- Over 8.000 agriculture businesses and farmers have already tested and use the products successfully
- The company aims at highly environmental friendly products and production for global customers
The outstanding feature of this technique are:
- Only a small amount of energy is needed by this process.
- The small size of particles that can be achieved. According to the desire of the clients can be reached particle size down to about 250 nanometres.
- A third element is the possible charging of minerals with ions.
All these 3 elements allow in the consequence to reach new applications or a higher efficiency of products-minerals etc. It allows to find new applications for known products.
This technology is transforming several sectors of our daily life.
There are many applications possible and change the future of industries like cement production, graphite applications, battery-technology, glass-production, precious metals recover or special waste transformation from the phosphate and potash industry.
The agriculture of today can be radically transformed by products processed by this technology. Following product families have been found and are allowed in biological-organic agriculture.
A) Leaf Fertilizer
brand Plantosverde® which allows to increase yield and quality of crops. The family products like Plantosverde ®protect is helping to reduce losses caused by insects and illnesses in the different cops.
B) Soil supporting products
Terrasanum® a soil supporting material, which contains all required elements and microminerals needed including N, P2O5, K2O, S, MgO and about 25 others. It helps to increase the biomass in the soil, thus returning more CO2 back to the soil than produced by its manufacturing.
C) Animal food supplement
Animasanum® an animal feed additive containing clinoptilolite and silicates (SiO2) as main components. This additive allows to safe animal feed by up to 25%. It reduces methane emission of cattle and is binding NH3 in the stomach of animals, thus reducing CO2 emissions.
D) Chalk for the different applications
Kalk-Meister® a chalk product for the agriculture that allows to reduce CO2 emission in animal farming and increases the well being of animals.
E) Additive for treatment of demure of all kinds
Kalk-N-Fix® a special mineral mix created to bind NH3 in the most efficient way in demure of all kinds, thus reducing the CO2 foot print of the agricultural sector
A change in paradigm of the agriculture
All products are a dramatic change in the agricultural sector, who becomes biological-organic, shows a higher yield than conventional agriculture. They avoid CO2, nitrate washing into ground water, safe resources of land, increase the diversity of fauna and flora. And all is done without burdening the future generations.
All parameters are documented by many studies from universities and special institutions all around the world.
For further information you are kindly requested to send an application as per enclosed formular.
Our Mission:
- to make really effective products
- without burdening the environment
- without restricting coming generations
- increasing farmers available liquidity
- to reduce CO2 emission in agriculture
- to return CO2 on a permanently basis to the soil
Academic References
- Academic & Scientific Partners
- University of Cologne, Germany
- University of Zagreb, Croatia
- TH Munic – Weihenstephan, Germany
- ETH Zurich-Wädenswil, Switzerland
- Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
- University of Matanzas, Cuba
- University of Bangkok , Thailand
- Cirad, Montpellier, France: public enterprise under the joint authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Focus on life
- sciences, social sciences and engineering sciences, applied to agriculture, food and rural territories.
- LMPC, part of Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse, France: mineral material research
- All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute, Moscow
- Trials and Case studies performed since 2004 in Italy, France, China, Croatia, Germany, Vietnam, Cuba, RSA, Niger, Vietnam, Thailand, Norway, Denmark, Albania, Portugal, Benin, Morocco, Ivory Coast and Australia (references upon request available)